Weqaaya Digitizing healthcare

Using weqaaya makes you save more lives

Weqaaya empowering doctors with better, smoother and less time-consuming healthcare experience.

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Weqaaya EHR

Weqaaya EHR is an intelligent digital platform that covers all the needed aspects to run the clinic including medical history, medications, allergies in addition to scheduling appointments and order prescriptions.

Key Benefits

Accurate diagnosis

Make accurate diagnosis and avoid medical errors by gathering all relevant information (medical history, lab results, etc.) In one place to consider all aspects of a patient’s condition

Next generation user experience

With few clicks, you can fill-in examinations, prescriptions, schedule appointments, and navigate through the entire patient’s medical history

More Time

Being aware of your patient history will save around 25% of your time

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

by allowing centralized data management, and quicker access to patient information from anywhere with condition-specific queries. Communication with clinic staff members and doctors is faster and trackable, which cuts down on lost messages and follow-up calls

Key Capabilities

Access from anywhere & anytime

You can access your patient’s medical history, appointments and oversee your clinic from any browser, anywhere and at any time.

Customized Medical Forms

Customized templates to record symptom-specific data from patients by medical assistants and nurses (which can offload work from physicians).

Electronic prescribing

paper prescriptions can be lost or misread, leading to errors in dosage or even the wrong medication being dispensed. Saving time by eliminating lost prescriptions.

Data Encryption

Grant Access Only to Authorized Users Data Backups Encryption Keeps Information Secure